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Our main focus is helping your child’s communication FLY!

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Here is how we do it...

Our services come to you! 

We offer an experienced team of therapists who specialize in working with children. We travel to homes, schools, and childcare centers in various areas around the state. We offer day, after school, evening, and weekend hours. We also offer the safety of teletherapy to children anywhere in Ohio. Some of our therapists are also licensed to see clients in other states.

Getting the help your child needs:

Private speech therapy may be right for your child if they did not qualify for services through early intervention or at school. If your child receives therapy already, but you feel they could use more, we can help! It is our commitment to getting your family started with therapy as soon as possible at a location and time that is convenient for you. 

Phone Consultation:

We will discuss, at no charge, any concerns or questions you may have about your child’s communication development, and together, we’ll determine the best “next steps” to take in moving your child’s communication forward.


In a fun, play-based environment, a brief interactive screening will be held with your child to determine whether a full evaluation is recommended. 


Thorough testing of your child’s speech and/or language skills, complete with a formal report, standard scores and recommendations will be provided in writing to you.


We provide personalized private sessions tailored to your child’s age, needs, and personality. The goals of therapy, as well as session length and frequency, are decided with you. If your child receives therapy at school, given a signed release to do so, we will collaborate with their other Speech Therapist and reinforce or complement the existing plan.


We can see children anywhere in Ohio via a secure platform over the internet. Some of our therapists are licensed in other states. Contact us to learn more about this convenient and evidence-based service delivery option and how it can work for your family.

When Should I contact a Speech Therapist

When Should I Contact a Speech Therapist?

Below are a few key communication milestones a child should have at various ages. If your child is not showing these skills, you should consider contacting a Speech Language-Pathologist to decide if an evaluation is needed.


  • By 3 months old: smiling and reacting to others.


  • By 7 months: babbling, their gaze follows sounds, react to objects that make sounds.


  • Between 9-12 months: gesturing, waving, pointing, imitating sounds. Makes good eye contact.


  • By age 1: producing a few words (ex. mama, dada) with intent, understands common words.


  • By 15 months: imitating simple words, saying at least 10 words spontaneously, follows simple directions, reacts to “No.”   


  • By 18 months: producing 50 words spontaneously, starting to put two words together (ex. “more juice”).


  • By 2 years: most vowels are produced correctly, but they are producing various consonants, especially at the beginning of words, leaving the last consonant off of words, being understood 50% of the time by parents, combining two words consistently, talking during play when alone and with others, producing /b,d,h,m,n,p,t,w/, starting to ask simple questions (ex. “Where daddy?”). Answering “yes/no” questions. Using 150 words. Follows 2-step directions.


  • By 3 years old: not leaving the last sound off words, producing the above sounds and /k,g/, being understood 75% of the time, the average sentence contains 3 words, playing with other children, answering “What” and “Where” questions. Using 300-400 words. Follows 3-step directions.


  • By 4 years old: average sentence contains 4 words, producing the above sounds and /f/. Communicates efficiently and effectively. Even people not familiar with your child understand 90% of what they say.   


  • By 5 years old: their average sentence contains 5 words, producing “sh, j, y, ch” /l,s,z,v/ -ing


  • By 6 years old: producing /r/, consonant blends (e.g. gl-, tr-)


  • By 7 years old: producing “th”


If your child consistently repeats things said by others days ago, from TV or repeats things verbatim that is not functional (e.g. you want your child, Joey, to say “bye” to someone, and you prompt him, “Say bye, Joey,” and he repeats “Say bye, Joey” rather than just “bye,”) this could be echolalia which is not a typical step in language development and a Speech Therapist should be contacted.

What We Treat

Our Experienced Team Treats a Variety of Delays and Disorders Including:

Articulation Disorders • Phonological Disorders • Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Fluency/Stuttering • Literacy • Voice & Resonance

Expressive & Receptive Language •  Social Communication • Play Skills

Augmentative and Alternative Communication • Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders

Online Class

Speech & Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy is provided by a licensed and experienced speech-language pathologist to support your child's development of skills such as:

  • Functional communication skills


  • Overall speech intelligibility


  • Production of age-appropriate sounds


  • Motor planning for speech production


  • Strategies for fluent speech


  • Vocabulary development​


  • Combining words into phrases and sentences


  • Story retell and the use of descriptive language 


  • Grammar, word order, and pronouns


  • Following directions


  • Asking/answering questions


  • Reading, writing, and spelling

speech, lang, social
Play and Social
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Play and Social Skills Therapy

Play skills and social skills are an important part of a child's ability to engage in their environment. Our therapists provide services to support children in developing skills such as:

  • Expanding play skills​


  • Engaging with peers in a meaningful way​


  • Participating in back and forth communication exchanges​


  • Social-emotional awareness and self-regulation


  • Understanding non-verbal communication​


  • Navigating social situations at home, in the community, and at school

Orofacial Myo

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy


We have trained speech therapists who provide orofacial myofunctional therapy to adults and children focused on:

  • Correcting swallow patterns to address tongue thrust

  • Increasing range of motion and strength for tongue and lip ties pre- and post- release

  • Addressing open-mouth breathing habits

  • Correcting lip and tongue postures at rest

  • Treating stubborn articulation disorders such as lisps, /r/, and /l/

  • Preventing orthodontic relapse

  • Reducing the risk of re-attachment of the tongue or lip after a frenectomy

Children, teens, and adults can benefit from orofacial myofunctional therapy. Therapy is often provided in collaboration with other professionals such as ENTs, dentists, orthodontists, sleep specialists, etc. 


Hanen It Takes Two to Talk®

This evidence-based program teaches parents the skills needed in order to use everyday routines to promote speech and language skill development for children 18-months to 5 years. This program is open to any caregiver of a child experiencing speech and language delays. Your certified Hanen speech-language pathologist will:

  • Teach you practical strategies so you can help your child increase their communication and interactions during everyday routines and activities


  • Demonstrate how to engage your child in back and forth communication exchanges, even before he/she can talk


  • Help you to identify what motivates your child to communicate


  • Teach you ways to interact with your child to increase back-and-forth communication 

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